Currently, Jazeera Airways connects India to a comprehensive global network of 64 destinations
Jazeera Airways, Kuwait based low-cost carrier, recently hosted an event in Mumbai for social media influencers and travel agents to officially announce its new social media platforms for India, namely Jazeera India Facebook and Jazeera India Instagram.
In a press statement, Jazeera says that further as a part of its planned expansion, the airline has also welcomed two additional aircraft in the last quarter, operating a fleet of 22 across its network.
Currently, Jazeera Airways connects India to a comprehensive global network, serving 64 destinations across the Middle East, Central and South Asia, Africa and Europe. The airline says that these destinations cater to high-demand sectors, including business, leisure, religious and weekend travel.
Jazeera says that further as a part of its planned expansion, the airline has also welcomed two additional aircraft in the last quarter, operating a fleet of 22 across its network
“Social media and the partnership with influencers is at the heart of our marketing programs at Jazeera. We have recently run two very successful influencer trips to Turkey and Kuwait, as well as working with individual influencers on other destinations. We want to involve and engage with our influencers, customers and trade partners via our new India platforms with locally relevant content,” says Andrew Ward, Vice President, Marketing and Customer Experience, Jazeera Airways.
Romana Parvi, Regional Manager, South Asia, Jazeera Airways, expressed her gratitude to Indian travel trade agents who have played an integral role in Jazeera’s journey. “We are extremely grateful to all our loyal travel trade agents who have been an integral part of our journey. We look forward to their continued support in the years ahead. Through the years, Jazeera Airways has remained an affordable way to travel, and we are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of safety and comfort for our passengers. We hope 2024 will be a magnificent year for all of you,” says Parvi.
She went on to share the airline’s vision of expanding to newer destinations and initiating operations from additional Indian gateways in the future.
The airline adds that the outlook for 2023 remains positive, with steady travel demand, stringent cost control and a solid balance sheet. However, overcapacity poses challenges, impacting yields and margins. Jazeera eyes growth in new destinations and initiatives in countries like Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Eastern Europe.
Jazeera adds that it also enhanced its sustainability efforts to reduce 300 kilograms of plastic monthly and align with a NetZero emissions goal by 2050.