Important that Danish tourism maintains momentum, says Katja Moesgaard

Denmark fastest EU member to recover in tourism
/ New Delhi
Katja Moesgaard
Important that Danish tourism maintains momentum, says Katja Moesgaard

The board says that like other industries, tourism is also undergoing a sustainable and green transition

While presenting her speech on the occasion of DI Turisme og Oplevelsers' anniversary, VisitDenmark's new Managing Director, Katja Moesgaard pointed out that Danish tourism is in a good place right now. She also added that it is important to maintain momentum and continue with solid investments.
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Katja Moesgaard, the new Managing Director of VisitDenmark, the national tourism board, says that Danish tourism is in a good place with growth in foreign overnight stays and a strong model for Danish tourism promotion. But Danish tourism must not sit back, she said. Moesgaard made the remarks during the Dansk Industri (DI), or the Confederation of Danish Industry’s anniversary.

According to a press statement by Visit Denmark, she met large parts of the industry for the first time when she spoke at DI Turisme og Oplevelsers’ anniversary, with a fundamentally positive message that Danish tourism stands on a good foundation to handle the challenges that lie ahead.

“Danish tourism is in a good place right now. We are the country in Europe that got back on track the fastest after corona. It has gone well,” she added.

The statement adds that it has been ‘surprising’ by how well things are going in Danish tourism. 2022 broke the previous record from 2019, and the overnight figures for the first eight months of 2023 show that the good rates continue.

“There is no doubt that the model with 19 strong destination companies, one common brand and a strong Danish narrative plays a significant role in the success. The cohesive force and model in Danish tourism is crucial and must be cultivated so that we can continue to attract foreign tourists to Denmark. Although Danish tourism is in a good place right now, we must not sit back. It remains a long, cool move. It requires us to maintain momentum in spreading our common Denmark narrative and one-brand strategy, and to continue with solid investments in the years to come,” Moesgaard added.

Green transition

The board says that like other industries, tourism is also undergoing a sustainable and green transition. In this connection, Moesgaard mentioned two initiatives that VisitDenmark will introduce within a short time.

Before the end of the year, VisitDenmark will present insights into tourists’ priorities when it comes to sustainability and environmental considerations, says the statement. It adds that the insights are based on two different analyses, carried out by VisitDenmark.

“Sustainability is an absolutely central part of tourism development. That is, a development that creates economic, environmental and social sustainable growth,” she said, referring to the government’s national strategy for sustainable tourism development.

The statement says that at the beginning of 2024, the first data will be available on how much tourism contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and which factors take up the most space. This data must be the starting point for an action plan for reducing greenhouse gases in tourism, which is also a goal in the national strategy.

Higher productivity 

The statement adds that former finance minister and editor-in-chief at Dagbladet Børsen, who was also present on the occasion, said that when business promotion funds are to be distributed, it is productivity and added value that count. And tourism is not strong here, Corydon said.

Moesgaard signed off by pointing to the new data platform as a new initiative in Danish tourism that can increase productivity and competitiveness.

“Data, insight and knowledge can help us lift the competition. We get that with the new data platform. It will be a very important focal point for our competitiveness and for sustainability in the industry,” she said.

The statement says that Danish destination companies are now on board the platform, and at the same time, both public institutions and commercial partners are showing great interest in helping to create and gain value from the platform, she said.

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