Asia at forefront as outbound travel grows double-digit in 2023: ITB-IPK report

US, Germany & UK top source markets
/ New Delhi
Asia at forefront as outbound travel grows double-digit in 2023: ITB-IPK report

Asia is now leading global tourism recovery

Registering a double-digit growth, outbound travel in 2023 saw an exponential growth wherein Asia was the leading player. Further, gradual return of outbound travellers and upward trend in vacation travel is to be seen in upcoming days, says a joint study by ITB and IPK International.
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Berlin-based travel trade show ITB Berlin and IPK International, a German tourism consultancy, have reported that outbound travel registered double-digit growth year-on-year, marking a big global increase in outbound travel in 2023. And, this momentum was driven by Asia.

According to a press statement by ITB, this has been another big step in returning to the travel volume of 2019. Compared with 2022, this was a 33 pc increase, only 12 pc short of the base year level before the pandemic.

It says that these are positive signs of gradual return of outbound travellers in Asia and the upward trend in vacation travel. Despite rising travel costs, interest in outbound travel this year remains high, what is noticeable is that travel satisfaction is becoming an increasingly important factor.

According to the IPK’s World Travel Monitor, the return of outbound travel in Asia with a year-on-year increase of more than 140 pc was the growth driver in 2023. Although still at 37 pc below 2019 levels, this marked a significant upward trend.

The statement adds that outbound travel in Europe increased by 18 pc, in North America by 31 pc and in Latin America by 27 pc compared with 2022. In 2023, the outbound travel volume was largest in the US, followed by Germany and the UK. Together, these three largest source markets accounted for one-third of the global outbound travel volume last year.

According to the report, the gradual return of outbound travellers in Asia and the upward trend in vacation travel, despite rising travel costs, is a positive outlook. Interest in outbound travel this year remains high, what is noticeable is that travel satisfaction is becoming an increasingly important factor.

Spain is most-visited again & Dubai highest-rated

At almost 10 pc, Spain is globally the most-visited destination again, followed by the USA. IPK’s Destination Performance Index (DPI) found Dubai to be the highest-rated destination in 2023.

The report says that among the five highest-rated destinations behind Dubai were the Maldives, last year’s winner, South Africa and Abu Dhabi. Austria and Switzerland were the highest-rated destinations in Europe.

Vacations are in demand, sun & beach destinations top list

According to the report, vacationing as the reason for making a trip improved its market share yet again compared with 2022. In 2023, three-quarters of global outbound trips were vacations. Within this segment, sun and beach vacations and city breaks dominated, each occupying around one-third of the market.

Third-placed were round trips. What is striking is that the market shares of these three went in different directions during the last three years, but are now at similar levels to 2019. This suggests the pandemic has not substantially changed people’s choice of vacation. In 2023, the main factors for an outbound holiday trip were relaxation, sightseeing, good food and shopping, the statement adds.

Air travel is the main form of transport

The report says that over 60 pc of outbound travel was by air in 2023, making air travel the most popular form of transport for international travel. However, it is worth noting that when asked how travellers moved around at their destination, the majority stated ‘public transport’. One-fifth said they used a rental car.

Significant rise in travel expenses in 2023

The statement says that due to the increased cost of travelling, especially by air, travel expenses rose above average in 2023, while the median number of overnights remained stable at around nine. When asked about the best and worst aspects of a trip, travellers mostly answered ‘value for money’, from both a positive and negative angle. Other factors important for travellers are accommodation, catering, and the local natural surroundings.

Crisis fully over by the end of 2024

The report says that some travel destinations and travel markets have already recovered to 2019 levels, while others are distinctly lagging. In 2023, some destinations again suffered from over-tourism. One-third of respondents said they felt their destination was overcrowded.

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