Europe’s safest countries to travel to

Switzerland tops safe countries’ list
/ New Delhi
Europe’s safest countries to travel to

In terms of air quality index, especially the PM2.5 concentration, Switzerland ranked 10th in Europe with concentration of 10.8 (Photo: Switzerland Tourism)

Financial advisory firm Forbes Advisor says that Switzerland is the safest country in Europe for travellers to travel to this summer.
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According to a new study by Forbes Advisor, a global platform to help consumers make the best financial choices, Switzerland tops the list of being the safest country to travel to this summer. The research, analysed metrics such as the quality of bathing waters, the quality of healthcare and the rate of thefts and homicides and merged the results in a final safety score, to find out the safest holiday destinations this year.


With a Safety Score of 88.3, Switzerland is the safest country in Europe to travel to this summer. According to the Euro Health Consumer Index, Switzerland scored 893 out of 1000 making it a nation with the best quality of healthcare out of all the 29 European countries analysed in the research. The country is then followed by Netherlands (883) in the second and Denmark (885) in third.

Switzerland also ranks sixth in the ranking for the best quality of bathing waters. According to data from the European Environment Agency, 93 pc of the country’s bathing waters are considered to have the best quality followed by Cyprus (100 pc), Austria and Greece (98 pc), Malta (97 pc) and then Croatia (96 pc).

In terms of air quality index, especially the PM2.5 concentration, Switzerland ranked 10th in Europe with concentration of 10.8. According to Eurostat, the rate of homicides in Switzerland is also low compared to other countries, with 5.7 per million, amounting to 50 homicides in 2019.



85 pc of Slovenia’s water has been rated as excellent (Photo: Slovenia Tourism)

Slovenia’s bathing waters also performed well, with 85 pc rated as excellent (Photos: Slovenia Tourism)The second country on the list after Switzerland is Slovenia. Having registered as one of the lowest homicide rates, that amounted to 4.8 per million, Slovenia is the second safest country to travel to with a Safety Score of 82.3. The country’s pollution levels amounted to 13.3 PM2.5, and healthcare quality 678. The country’s bathing waters also performed well, with 85 pc rated as excellent.

The country has also been considered as one of the best nations to explore for a solo trip.


Portugal comes 4th in terms of quality of air after Finland (Photo:Portugal Tourism)

With a safety score of 82.1, Portugal is in the third to make it to Forbes advisor list. Ranked seventh for excellent quality of waters (93 pc) along with Switzerland and Germany, Portugal is also in fourth for quality of air, with one of the lowest air pollution rates (7.1 PM2.5), after Finland (5.5 PM2.5), Estonia (5.9 PM2.5), and Sweden (6.6 PM2.5). In terms of healthcare, Portugal ranks tenth for healthcare quality after Germany (754).



Austria ranks 7th amongst European countries in terms of quality of health care(Photo: Austria Tourism)

Austria, the fourth safest country to travel to this year has been recorded to have a total index score of 81.4 in terms of safety. The country with one of the highest percentages of excellent bathing waters (98 pc) is only second to Cyprus (100 pc) and ranks seventh for quality of healthcare (799) according to Health Consumer Index) followed by Sweden (800) and Finland (839). The number of homicides has also been to be low compared to other countries, amounting to 8.2 per million people.


Germany recorded low number of homicides per million (6.9) (Photo: Germany Tourism)

With a final safety score of 81.2, Germany is the fifth safest country this year. The country’s percentage of excellent bathing water amounts to 93 pc, making it highly safe for swimmers and tourists. Ranked eighth for best air quality with a pollution level of 10.6 PM2.5, and a low number of homicides per million (6.9), Germany is the ideal destination for all sort of travellers.

“Safety can be a decisive factor when people are considering where to spend their holidays, and these figures show there are considerable differences across Europe when measuring factors such as the quality of bathing waters or the levels of theft,” said a spokesperson for Forbes Advisor after the findings.

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“These numbers shed a light on the importance of travel insurance when moving around different countries. Being covered by travel insurance means you can receive financial compensation for losses as well as covering medical expenses in the country you are visiting, making the experience as smooth and calm as possible,” the spokesperson adds.

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