Perth to host G’Day Australia 2024 in October

Tourism Australia’s flagship trade show comes to Western Australia
/ New Delhi
Perth to host G’Day Australia 2024 in October
Perth to host G’Day Australia 2024 in October

G'day Australia 2024 will provide a boost for tourism in Western Australia

With over 300 travel agents from around the world in attendance, Perth, the capital of Western Australia, will host G’Day Australia 2024 from October 13-18.
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Hundreds of international travel agents who specialise in selling Australia’s world-class tourism experiences to the world will gather in Western Australia later this year when Perth hosts Tourism Australia’s flagship trade show, G’day Australia 2024. 

In a press statement, Tourism Western Australia, the tourism promotion organisation of the largest State in Australia, says that the event will put Australian tourism businesses face-to-face with about 300 agents from key markets around the world, who have been trained by Tourism Australia to be ‘Aussie Specialists’.

G’day Australia 2024 will provide a boost for tourism in Western Australia and across the country, with state and territory tourism organisations supporting a national familiarisation programme around the event, giving visiting agents first-hand experience of the best Australia has to offer.

The statement adds that experiencing Australia for themselves will help visiting ‘Aussie Specialist’ agents encourage international visitors to stay longer and spend more in Australia, which is good news for Australian tourism businesses and the more than a million jobs the sector directly and indirectly supports.

The statement adds that in the past, 100 pc of the travel agents who took part in G’day Australia have said they planned to sell more of Australia as a result of the event, which will help its tourism sector continue on its path to surpass 2019 international visitation numbers and grow sustainably into the future.

G’day Australia will be hosted in partnership with Tourism Western Australia from October 13-18.

Don Farrell

Don Farrell

‘‘G’day Australia is an opportunity to sell the best Australia has to offer to the world. We want more international tourists booking a holiday to Australia, staying for longer, and spending more, and this event will help achieve just that. Travel agents with first-hand experience of Australia’s best tourism experiences will be better able to sell Australian holidays in key markets around the world, using their lived experience to convince their customers of the many reasons to book a trip down under,’’ says Don Farrell, Federal Minister for Tourism of Australia.

‘‘Perth will make an exceptional host city, giving agents the opportunity to experience Western Australia’s wealth of diverse, unique, and wonderful attractions, which form a critical part of our nations tourism industry,’’ adds Farrell.

‘‘International visitor numbers have been steadily increasing since we first welcomed travellers back, and events like G’day Australia support the return to pre-pandemic levels, and further growth of our tourism sector and its important contribution to Australia’s economy,’’ he says.

 Rita Saffioti

Rita Saffioti

‘‘Western Australia is a remarkable and unique place to explore that must be seen to be believed, this is why it is essential that ‘Aussie Specialist’ agents have the opportunity to visit our beautiful State and experience its incredible tourism offerings for themselves. Our government is very excited to partner with Tourism Australia to host G’day Australia in Perth, and familiarisation visits throughout Western Australia,’’ says Rita Saffioti, Tourism Minister, Western Australia.

‘‘We look forward to welcoming Aussie Specialist agents and Tourism Australia representatives to the State in October, when we will showcase the vast array of iconic tourism destinations and experiences in WA that are ready to welcome visitors from around the world. We trust that everyone who visits Western Australia as part of G’day Australia will feel inspired to share their experiences with their clients and recommend Western Australia as a must-see holiday destination,’’ Saffioti adds.

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