Riu joins hands with Achilles for more sustainable supply chain

All Riu suppliers to be included in ESG assessment system
/ New Delhi
/ Hotels
Riu joins hands with Achilles for more sustainable supply chain
Riu joins hands with Achilles for more sustainable supply chain

From left to right: Alessandro Redaelli, Account Manager at Achilles; Carlos García, Sales Director Southern Europe at Achilles; Fernando del Campo, New Sales Director Southern Europe at Achilles; Bartolomé Enseñat, Purchasing Director Europe, Asia and Africa at RIU; Eva Lezcano, Regional Director Southern Europe at Achilles and Goranka Dosen, New Business Development Executive at Achilles

Spanish hotel chain Riu Hotels and Resorts has partnered with supply chain risk management firm Achilles to implement its supplier rating system to enhance sustainability and optimise the benefits of its operations.
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Riu Hotels and Resorts has become the first major Spanish international hotel chain to sign a global agreement with Achilles, a British supply chain risk management firm specialised in environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. 

In a press statement, Riu says that this agreement represents a significant milestone in Riu’s business relationship with its suppliers and its sustainability strategy, as Riu’s entire supply chain must be involved for the company to make significant progress in terms of sustainability and goods and service suppliers play a key role in this regard.

The statement says that Achilles provides highly in-depth assessments including on-site audits to provide the level of transparency and confidence in the supply chain that is required by today’s more ethical organisations, which are increasingly conscious of communities and ecosystems. 

After analysing the relevant documentation, Achilles scores each supplier to assess its level of compliance and commitment to ESG sustainability-related aspects. The suppliers join an international community of qualified suppliers that meet ESG criteria.

Riu says it has implemented the Achilles supplier rating system in an attempt to enhance sustainability and optimise the benefits of its operations for the local community and ecosystem in the hotel destinations. This is done to guarantee a uniform standard of excellence across the entire supply chain. 

This system will allow Riu to guarantee that all its collaborators meet the highest quality standards in terms of social, ethical and environmental responsibility.

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