Over 1,000 Indian & Saudi representatives participate in debut Nusuk Roadshow in India

Saudi Arabia streamlines visa-procedure for Indian visitors for Umrah
/ New Delhi
Nusuk Roadshow in India
Over 1,000 Indian & Saudi representatives participate in debut Nusuk Roadshow in India

The show was chaired by Saudi Minister of Hajj & Umrah, Tawfig AlRabiah & recorded participation from key representatives from various Umrah partners and travel agents

With calls for increased collaboration and easier travel processes, Saudi Arabia’s integrated government platform Nusuk has successfully concluded its first-ever roadshow in India with over 1,000 private sector representatives in attendance to bolster tourism from India to the Kingdom.
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Eyeing the Indian market that has held the third spot in visitor numbers this year, translating to 1.8 million arrivals, Saudi Arabian integrated government platform Nusuk organised its first-ever roadshow in India.

According to a press statement, the roadshow called for increased levels of collaboration with leading travel and Umrah companies in India and Saudi while focusing on engaging with officials to address various challenges. 

The statement adds that it attracted over 1,000 private sector representatives from India and Saudi Arabia to acquaint Indian partners with Nusuk’s extensive services. These range from offering valuable information and insights to streamlining the process of obtaining visitor visas and securing accommodations and flights. 

It was chaired by Saudi Minister of Hajj and Umrah, Tawfig AlRabiah, which featured the participation of key representatives from various Umrah partners and travel agents.

The statement says that Saudi Arabia has been dedicated to easing the travel process for Indians visiting the kingdom through its “Nusuk” platform. Nusuk facilitates all aspects of their trip, from visa applications and hotel accommodations to flight bookings and performing Umrah, regardless of the visa type. 

According to reports, the roadshow explored attractive trade opportunities and offered incentives to the private sector to provide a seamless Umrah experience for pilgrims, in line with the objectives of Saudi Vision 2030. 

Fahd Hamidaddin, CEO and Member of the Board at Saudi Tourism Authority.

Fahd Hamidaddin

“India is one of the most important markets in the world, and holds a significant presence of nearly 200 million Muslims. India is also a long-term partner of Saudi and is expected to become Saudi’s largest tourism source market, with over 7.5 million Indian visitors expected to visit our country by 2030. We remain committed to enabling trade to easily package and promote Saudi products to visitors, which will help us increase the distribution of Saudi’s diversified travel offerings. We look forward to deepening ties with key Indian trade partners to ensure we are creating bespoke experiences that tailor the entire Umrah journey for Indian visitors,” says Fahd Hamidaddin, Managing Director of Nusuk and CEO of the Saudi Tourism Authority.

The roadshow exhibition featured a variety of booths from Saudi service providers, which included accommodation and transportation companies, tour operators, and other pertinent entities. 

The statement says that this comprehensive approach was designed to facilitate increased visits to Makkah, Madinah, and various other iconic destinations in Saudi, to enhance the overall experience for travellers to the kingdom.

The statement adds that the Nusuk roadshow exhibition provided an interactive platform that showcased Saudi’s year-round destinations and diversified luxury travel market to key Indian consumers and trade entities. Showcasing Saudi Arabia’s ancient heritage and culture, the exhibitors called on the trade to invest in Saudi’s thriving tourism sector. 

These calls are in line with Nusuk’s long-term strategy of encouraging visitors to experience the wonders of Saudi, far beyond their Umrah experience, says the statement. 

“The Nusuk India Roadshow was a resounding success. Through Nusuk, our integrated digital platform, we are delighted to provide the ever-growing Indian market with a unique Umrah experience that will cater to a wide variety of travel needs and preferences. Our streamlined platform continues to positively impact Saudi’s tourism sector and is opening the doors of opportunity for key trade partners in India and around the world,” adds Hamidaddin.

Alhasan Aldabbagh

Alhasan Aldabbagh

“With Nusuk, we aim to significantly enhance ease and accessibility for Indian travellers, especially the growing number of Umrah visitors. This platform simplifies their journey to Saudi, beginning with an expedited visitor visa process – now streamlined to allow issuance in under 24 hours, and we have further extended the Umrah visa duration to 90 days. Additionally, e-visa services are available to holders of UK, US, and Schengen visas. Moreover, Indian travellers can benefit from the 96-hour Stopover visa, which allows Umrah to be included in their itinerary. We’re also continuing to foster our collaborations with our local partners to offer the ‘Umrah+ packages’, encouraging pilgrims to explore the rich culture and experiences available in Saudi beyond Makkah and Madinah,” says Alhasan Aldabbagh, Nusuk President of APAC Markets.

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